Note that restore points do not freeze copies of your personal data, they’re just there to create safe copies of those essential parts of your operating system that, well, allow it to operate. Restore points are essentially frozen copies of what your computer’s operating system looked like at a certain point in time. Restore points are a vital part of your computer hygiene routine. If you’re experimenting with new skills in PowerShell, installing a bunch of software you want to test, or simply worried that a future official update from Windows might contain bugs that break something important (which happens with annoying frequency), then a restore point becomes a vital part of your computer hygiene.
With the right permissions, everything is open for access and alteration. But Windows is also prone to bugs because of how deep into its operations a user can worm. Windows is an incredibly versatile tool, an operating system with enough freedom to handle a huge range of tasks, from playing games to writing novels.