Set objConn = CreateObject('ADODB.Connection') ' Binding to Active Directory using ADO (+Kerberos) StrComputerName = objWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%COMPUTERNAME%') StrUserID = objWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%USERNAME%')
' Get username and computername from the environment variables Set objWShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') ' Authenticating against active directory with Kerberosĭim objDSE, objConn, objRS, objdso, objADSUser, objWShell, strDefaultNamingContext, strADSUser, strComputerName ' to redistribute it under certain conditions see gnu-gpl for details. This is free software, and you are welcome ' This VB script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for details ' Sets the 'street' attribute to the computer name Open Notepad or another text editor of your choice and place the following lines of code into it. VBScript to store the computer name in the user object ^ Permitting SELF to change the street attributeĬonfirm all open windows by clicking OK and close ADUC.